Can we just talk about last night's shellacking of the Democrats in the midterm election? I haven't enjoyed this level of beautiful politics in I dare say a decade! Red
is my favorite color. Do I think Obama has been neutered and we are ushering in a golden age utopia? No. Obama and his executive order pen both think the Constitution doesn't apply to them and the GOPs, generally speaking, are a bunch of pantywaists. But still, it was delicious. Truly.
Another Duggar girl got married and I'm a sucker for a sweet wedding. Jessa wore blush and the staunch legalists of the world united in an uproar over her lack of purity. As a recovering legalist, I thrust my fist in the air and said, "YES to all blush dresses of the world and the fundamentalist girls brave enough to wear them!" Embrace the blush, ladies. It was gorgeous from what I've seen of the carefully and slowly doled out pictures from
I'm in a home remodel mode for a couple of reasons. One is my mom's health and my very keen awareness that I need to make the most of every moment. Add to that
The Nesting Place. The Nester speaks to me. She guides me with her beautiful pictures. She clearly told me to paint this fireplace white.
She also told me those horrible Little House on the Prairie sconces have to die a horrible death. I'm determined to have an amazing Thanksgiving and Christmas. And who can have an amazing Thanksgiving and Christmas in a dated pink and blue kitchen? Who can have an amazing Thanksgiving and Christmas in the presence of those sconces? Not I. So, the pink and blue kitchen, the drab fireplace, and these stenciled leaves, which I stenciled when I was still in my 30s, have got to go.
Neither the Nester nor I approve. Put all these things together and this means in the next 21 days I shall repaint the main floor of my house, paint my fireplace white, and replace my kitchen floor. I am (a crazy) woman, hear me roar.
Along those lines, I found the most adorable Christmas decorations! Snow owls. Why snow owls? I can't answer that but as with many things lately, they speak to me.
And I bought them. Lots of them. I'm having a blingy red and silver snow owl tree. I'm having two trees actually because it's going to be that kind of Christmas. My theme for this Christmas is "The Year of Bling". Everything bright and full of glitter makes me giddy. Sparkly, fresh paint, and owls. With the Nester on my side I. Cannot. Be. Stopped.
I couldn't have a 'my favorite things' list without including little granddude! If he doesn't make you smile, you better check your pulse. This boy puts the grand in grandson. So much smoochy goodness!
Gigi loves you to the moon and back, grandbuddy!